5 Reasons WHY Android Devices are BETTER than iOS Devices
Smartphones is really a great contribution to help us on our daily activities such as connecting to our social media, storing and organizing our files, on-the-go entertainment and many more. Most trend smartphones right now are powered by Android and iOS that dominates most handheld devices produced around the market. Since these operating systems reached the top and are a trend to our present generation, a lot of people are questioning which is better between them. This question is really debatable on social media sites such as YouTube, Facebook & Twitter. People are arguing that kind of stuff leading sometimes to personal disputes and other sort of stuff… Here, I am going to state out my Top 5 Reasons why Android Devices are better than iOS Devices. I know iOS fanatics who’s reading this be like “Oh, ignore this sh***! iOS is far more better than Android and ADROID is FAR MORE BEHIND THAN iOS!” . Hey, I know that you highly adore iOS and I cannot blame you thinking that way....